Affluent Individuals & Trustees
Many of our clients tend to be over the age of 50 and either retired or planning to retire in a few years, while those under age 50 are generally high earning professionals. Our Comprehensive Lifestyle Financial Planning & Wealth Management service has been developed for individuals seeking a trusted adviser relationship to help them manage their wealth. It is best suited for those with £250,000 or more of investable assets (a combination of either cash, investment funds and/or pension assets) or those with a family income of £100,000 per year or more.
We act for a number of Trust clients including family trusts and charitable trusts. Our expertise in Tax & Trust Planning provides Trustees with reassurance and confidence that the trust assets are managed appropriately.
Business Owners & Executives
As business owners ourselves, we understand that as a business owner you can sometimes be too busy running your business to pay attention to your personal and business financial planning needs.
Our Business Financial Planning service is designed for successful business owners who don’t have time to deal with their financial planning and want a trusted adviser to help them manage their finances. This may involve both their personal finances and company funds, as well as ensuring that appropriate insurance protection is in place so the business can continue in the event of illness, death or retirement.

Pension Investors
Pensions can be boring and complicated – but very important to your financial security in retirement. We can assist you in reviewing your pension arrangements and in explaining your options in simple English, so you can make sensible decisions on your retirement choices.
We specialise in providing advice on complex pension matters as well as providing a pension consolidation service if you have multiple pension plans. We are very experienced in this area and have assisted many clients, where appropriate, to simplify their pension plans to achieve lower costs, wider investment choice, greater flexibility and access to ongoing professional advice.
Expats & Foreign Nationals
We are highly experienced advisers to Expat/Non UK resident clients. Carl worked in the Far East in the early 1990’s as a Tax & Investment adviser to Expats working in the Oil & Gas sector, where he witnessed some “offshore advisers” engaged in poor professional conduct and where sales commission bias was rife. We have seen some truly shocking “advice” from such advisers. Although there are professional advisers working offshore, such unprofessional behaviour still persists.
We are contacted by many Expats looking to build a long term trusted relationship with a financial adviser, free from the commission based sales culture that still exists with many offshore advisers. Often offshore advisers move on, leaving Expat clients with no continuing advice – we can offer impartial and independent fee based advice. Our Expat financial planning service delivers maximum flexibility – with no lock ins, hidden costs or nasty small print. Our approach to Expat clients is the same as to our UK based clients – clear and transparent with agreed fees and the focus very firmly on your financial priorities,not ours.
Often Expat clients have multiple financial arrangements that are difficult to understand, to obtain clear valuations and work out total plan costs. It is problematic to get “the big picture” of where they stand financially. We offer our Expat clients an online Financial Portfolio available 24/7 with total transparency on costs and no exit fees if they want to leave. We offer an Expat Financial Planning Audit to review your existing financial arrangements including an assessment of whether the plans you hold remain suitable to your needs – and if not, possible alternative solutions.
This service is provided via Expat Financial Adviser, part of our business that specialises in advice for non resident UK nationals (Expat Financial Adviser is a trading name of Affluent Financial Planning Ltd - www.expatfinancialadviser.co.uk )
Importantly, we can calculate whether you are saving enough to meet your financial goals and whether you are taking advantage of the tax planning opportunities available
Carl is one of a small number of UK advisers to hold the Chartered Insurance Institute Financial Advisers’ International qualification. He is a Certified European Financial Planner.
It is important that you seek professional tax and legal advice in your country of residence or domicile, where you are a non UK tax resident or non UK Domiciled individual.

Important information
We provide advice and services only to Non UK resident clients where we hold the required regulatory permissions and have professional indemnity insurance coverage for the location concerned. We are not able to advise US resident Investors, but can refer such clients to a specialist advisory firm.
If you are a private client outside the United Kingdom, or you are an overseas person who conducts Investment business with or for a client who is in the United Kingdom then the following information disclosure applies:-
Most or All of the rules, regulations and arrangements made under the Financial Services Act 2000 for the protection of Investors will not apply
That, where relevant, you will not have the following rights under the United Kingdom regulatory system:
The right to refer a complaint against us to the Financial Ombudsman.
The right to be informed in advance about any commission we receive and any fees we will or may charge, and for those fees not to be excessive.
The right to receive recommendations, which are suitable to you and your circumstances.
The right to an explanation of the risks involved in any transaction.
The right to have a transaction executed at the best price available in the relevant market at the time (“best execution”).
The Investors Compensation Scheme shall not apply and compensation shall not be available.